Lool . Today Wednesday 14/04/10 . . . we ' tried' making caramel slice, and sugar cookies . and now chocolate slice.
We had to go to Countdown to buy more ingredients because i forgot to bring some of mine. We had to ask jefreey's bro's mate to drop us off and pick us up from Countdown , It was Random . They were playing Loud Music on the bass in the car.
We "tried" to make caramel slice. When it wasnt baked yet it tasted really nice , well thats what jefreey said xD When we put the slice in the oven to cook , we were looking forward to see how to turned out xD Once we took it out . We Were SHOCKED ! It didnt turn out so well . :( , no need to describe it because it'll sound yuck . D: It was a waste too since we just made the dark bittersweet chocolate topping . [it was really bitter ]
We were depressed HxC . Lool , But we got over it , and moved on to baking Sugar Cookies ^ ^ It was Fun , While Waiting for the dough to go firm , in that time we also made chocolate slice [ hopefully it'll turn out right ] ... AND IT DID :D , Yay ! .
Uhmm . For the sugar cookies , once we took it out of the fridge we started using cookie cutters to shape out the dough , When we just put it in the oven i had to leave to get ready for a dinner party so Jefreey did the rest of the baking, DANG it looked good when i saw it . :P And it was yum .
We had some compliments especially from the boys xD They ate alot of our sugar cookies we baked :D mission completion ! Best Cookie we ever made :) ...... so far ..
heheheheh so far so good :P
LOl so what happen to the caramel slice??? Photo looks good!!! and wheres my sugar cookies!!!! HUh girls!! =p